While NASA searches for life on Mars — or rather, pretends to — the Central Intelligence Agency is way ahead of them. Through their Remote Viewing program, leaked documents reveal that back in the 1980s, their trained clairvoyants “saw” a race of tall humanoids, with pyramids and immense roads there circa 1,000,000 BC. Not only that, but the viewers were given precise coordinates to look at, which suggests they had access to a lot more information already.
Remote Viewing is so far out there that most skeptics don’t even bother to attempt to debunk, just dismiss it all as “woo-woo”. But despite being incredibly subjective and difficult if not impossible to verify, the military’s psychics scored some direct hits back in the day — even resulting in the rescue of a general who had been kidnapped by terrorists. Among viewers, UFOs and aliens are something to watch out for — because they watch back.