The Trumpet Sounds

Weirder every day

Welcome, seekers! Today being New Year’s Day 2025, it is time to launch this website, devoted to the possibility that the first trumpet of the Apocalypse has sounded. The site will feature news updates, jeremiads (or rants, if you prefer) on significant Endtime topics, starting with whether or not Trump is the Antichrist. But mainly the focus will be on apocalyptic art, both by myself and others, current day or historical, (occasionally modified), both serious and humorous. The site is constantly being tweaked, and much more will be continually added for as long as possible.

However, lest anyone think that the name of this site, TRUMP OF DOOM, is just some sort of joke name, please understand that “sky trumpets” and other loud, weird, disturbing, and often terrifying sounds whose source cannot be determined have been going on for many, many years now. They have been heard all around the world, in vast forests and busy cities. In fact, shortly after taking over The Late Show nine years ago, Stephen Colbert heard and recorded some ungodly screeching noises himself at his office window in Manhattan, and made fun of them during his monologue.

Could heavenly powers be tuning up the orchestra for the literal trump of doom? Turns out, I am not the only one who thinks they just might be.

Keep looking up! This roller coaster is about to crest the first rise…



Clown or Devil or both?

7 Signs that Donald Trump Could Be the Antichrist