The Road to Armageddon

Will it all end in tears, blood, and flame?

Has the Last World War Already Begun?

Like everyone else born since the Second World War, all my life has been spent in the shadow of the mushroom cloud. For me, it was the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis that first shocked my young mind into political consciousness. I was just old enough to understand what it all meant.

I then realized the fragility of our world and the horrifying power that could burn it all to ashes in minutes. The anxiety that everything I knew and loved could vanish in a blinding flash of light has lurked in the back of my mind ever since. Recently, however, the specter of war has haunted my daily thoughts like never before.

It takes two sides to make peace, but only one to start a fight. I truly fear that the next World War has begun in all but name. Worse, the United States may have already lost the first battle by refusing to acknowledge the true state of affairs. But the dilemma is such that if the situation is accepted as it really is, a general world war may be all but inevitable.

The world is poised on the knife-edge of catastrophe and utter ruin – but no one wants to see it. So few even imagine the weapon held against our throats, nor recognizes the hand that holds it.

Hold tight – there’s a long explanation. But it’s important to understand the background to realize just how screwed we are. Adults-only material ahead.

Has the Last World War Already Begun?

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