Donald J. Trump, Antichrist

Here’s why the worshipers of the Devil submit to the Beast:

Now doesn’t that sound like Trump and his slavish minions? Outrageous lies, absolute power over his followers, limitless vanity, and war on all who resist; check, check, check and double check. It fits all too well.

Donald Trump as Antichrist explains so much:

Trump even beat Covid, after being responsible for the deaths of thousands! Is that justice? If God’s on his side, why, God, why?

As a spiritual person, I can only imagine one reason: this grand delusion is for our punishment, naturally. Nothing else makes any sense. Donald Trump is divine retribution for what he personally embodies: unbridled American greed, rampant hypocrisy, and invincible arrogance. If you don’t believe in divine justice, then just consider him our bad karma finally come due. What goes around, comes around. Either way, we’re going to pay for it, kids, in full.

Trump has been lifted so high in order that he and his rotten legacy will eventually fall and be smashed into tiny little pieces, to be blown away by the desert wind. And all his followers with him. As the Bible grimly promises, “Then they will know that I am the Lord.” [Jer.16:21].

In any case, we are doubtless in for an awful world of hurt from this madman for a long time to come unless there is a miracle. If one does not save us from this wicked deception, will faith, courage, patience – and a good sense of humor – be enough to get us through this ordeal?

A wise but powerless judge in the Trumpian Trackdown episode tried to explain why he could not stop his neighbors. “When we were kids,” he told Hoby, “we were all afraid of the dark, and we grew up. We aren’t afraid of the dark anymore, but it’s funny how a big lie can make us all kids again.”

Yeah, real funny. So please, dear God, please have mercy on Your easily deceived and deluded children. All of us, including the poor MAGA fools who voted for him.

– jeremiah

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